IAMA Platform: An Educational Wellspring
Jun 29, 2023
The alliance's ambitious vision is to improve the aviation ecosystem through collaboration and championing transparency. What better way to pursue this idea than through an online resource to share critical information with members and subscribers, particularly aircraft modifiers. Enter the IAMA Platform.
Exploring the IAMA Platform
Focused on supporting and advocating for its aircraft modifier members, the alliance is open to all aviation industry stakeholders, although only members and subscribers may access the full scope of the IAMA platform. The resource, which guides modifiers and airlines, is fast becoming an educational nexus. The IAMA Rulebook which outlines the IAMA standard, is, of course, the alliance's Standard and flagship reference, but other essential elements for the retrofit industry are on hand. Process flow templates like a project management dossier are available for members to download and use on the IAMA Platform. Product offering overviews and IAMA-endorsed member modifications are available with a simple click of the mouse. Additionally, users can browse in-depth white papers and talking points along with industry challenges linked to rules in the Rulebook. Key to the platform’s growing success is that the alliance’s working groups are constantly contributing to the expanding list of resources.
"We wanted the platform to address industry pains so users will find white papers on real world topics affecting modifiers, owners, operators and lessors," said Nina Schulz, IAMA's Managing Director. "The resources to address crucial challenges such as Right to Use, maintainability, de-modifications, interactions with aviation authorities and many others are all in one place."
"The alliance is incredibly fortunate to have access to so many subject matter experts within the working groups who contribute their valuable time and experience to help build this knowledge base," said Ian Devine, IAMA's Technical Affairs Manager. "We want to continue to grow it, and we have significant plans."
To foster the independent modifier community, IAMA is constantly working to enhance this platform. "Like our advocacy, developing the IAMA platform is an ongoing labour of love. Key future features on our roadmap include improved usability and increasing the number of endorsed modifications in the modification library," Schulz explained. "To further encourage open communications, we're looking at how to add an interactive element to enable collaboration amongst members."
A future plan of IAMA is to offer a digitized version of the audit program for members to step through, making it much easier for modifiers to follow the new procedural-based program agreed to in the most recent General Assembly. Another project high on the list is to allow operators to access and download modification documentation (per EASA 21J + installation requirement) from a secure source that protects the modification holder's IP.
If you’re an independent aircraft modifier, you can access the IAMA Platform by becoming a member. Memberships are free to airlines and lessors. Visit https://iamalliance.aero/members-memberships.html to learn more.