IAMA Virtual Modification Talks
Jun 30, 2023

Emphasizing transparency in the aviation modification market is a key mission for IAMA, and this is why the alliance offers a platform known as IVMT—IAMA Virtual Modification Talks. The IVMT sessions originated at the onset of the pandemic when the alliance desired to assist stakeholders navigate one of the toughest periods in aviation history, particularly for airlines. Ever since, the IVMT sessions have evolved considerably.
IVMTs: A Burden Shared is A Burden Halved
The alliance focuses on supporting and advocating for its aircraft modifier members. Open IVMT videoconferences bring together experts and peers to share their experiences on various topics. These include designing lessor-friendly modifications, validating aircraft modifications under different authorities, and fostering cooperation between modifier design and production organizations. The discussion platform attracts competitors and partners alike, delving into session topics often proposed by alliance members and subscribers.
The opportunity to contribute and ask questions during IVMT sessions is a hallmark of IAMA's inclusive approach. The recent IVMT titled "Safety culture in the aviation retrofit market" exemplifies the powerful impact of this educational platform, where stakeholders learn from each other’s experiences.
Moderated by Nina Schulz, IAMA's Managing Director, and Ian Devine, IAMA’s technical affairs manager, the session commenced with an overview of the topic. Following this, two IAMA members discussed their approaches to implementing safety culture within their organizations. What's refreshing is that the speakers candidly share both their challenges and victories, making these discussions incredibly enlightening for all participants.
"A burden shared is a burden halved," Devine explained, summarizing the core value of the IVMT sessions. By discussing pressing issues, IAMA fosters transparency within the wider ecosystem, not limited to modifications. For instance, a participant inquired about the reporting requirements of a Safety Management System, highlighting the regulatory differences between EASA and the FAA.
"Participants find our IVMT sessions immensely valuable," Schulz notes. "They tell us that the frank discussions with others who understand their challenges are the main reason they attend. It's not just educational, but also somewhat cathartic." IAMA encourages sharing of such challenges, leading to a comprehensive understanding of issues faced when implementing Safety Management Systems.
The sessions also serve as an avenue for updating members and subscribers. Devine confirmed that SMS implementation guidance is on the alliance's roadmap, with the intent to further harmonize efforts with members and authorities.
To join the alliance and gain access to these enlightening IVMT sessions and a multitude of other educational resources, click here. The IVMT sessions are an essential tool for fostering discussion and providing education in the sector.