The aftermarket modifier ecosystem needed a 'home' to discuss our challenges and best practices, to improve our services by delivering a common message to the market. Together, we have the objective to shape the future of the STC in the aviation world.

Patrick Gindre
Sales Director of Eclipse Technics

As a founding member of IAMA, we actively participate in the exchange with other key players in the modification community and are part of a joint collaboration to demonstrate the reliable quality of retrofit solutions.

Jörn Dahmen
Senior Director Special Engineering Services of Lufthansa Technik

IAMA Serves as the ideal organization to ensure that all stakeholders jointly agree and comply with the highest standards of developing STCs. Without a doubt, IAMA has already proven to be a platform that takes the retrofit market to the next level.

Frans van de Pol
Director Engineering of Fokker Services

IAMA will be a collaborative and knowledgeable reference and voice to regulators and standardization committees regarding how STCs efficiently fulfil these obligations. The alliance will foster proportionate and adapted regulations, and jointly develop and provide the optimal tools to its members.

Romain Mbwang Seppoh
Head of Airworthiness at Eclipse Technics

TIER 1 Members

TIER 2 Members

TIER 3 Members


Strategic Observers and Partners

Member of

IAMA Memberships

Membership Categories & Business Involvement

Business Involvement Experienced Major STC Dev e.g. DOA or ODA (STC), FAR/CS25 Aircraft Type Change Dev., e.g. DOA or ODA (incl. STC), FAR/CS25 Aircraft, Consultants SME Type Change Dev., focus on Minor Mod.,
max 30 employees,  Consultants​
OEM active in aftermarket Airlines, Operators & Lessors
Annual Fee

Reduced Flexible Membership 2023
50.000 EUR

25.000 EUR
5.000 EUR

950 EUR

50.000 EUR

25.000 EUR

Number of members 20 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Active involvement required yes no no no no
Commitment to Standard yes yes organizational capability no no

IAMA Members enjoy a wide range of benefits including:

Being a part of the IAMA community with access to educational resources continuously under development

Access to the IAMA Standard, the cornerstone of the IAMA Rulebook, which secures a high quality modification project

Access to the IAMA platform where all IAMA-endorsed modifications can be displayed and accessed by the subscribers

Advocacy for independent modifiers with OEMs and Aviation Authorities


Association Membership Benefits

Participate in General Assembly yes yes yes yes on invitation
Voting Rights / Influence yes no no via Advisory Board no
Executive Board +2 seats no no +1 seat on invitation
Participate in Working Groups yes on invitation selected input yes on invitation
Apply for new working group yes no no yes no
IAMA Endorsement yes yes no no no
Benefit from IAMA Marketing yes yes yes yes yes
IAMA Member Profile listing yes yes yes yes no
Access to educational resources yes yes selected yes yes
IAMA Member Events & Panels yes yes on invitation yes yes

IAMA Standards

IAMA Endorsement yes yes no no no
IAMA Rulebook Download yes yes no yes yes
IAMA Best Practices yes yes no yes yes
IAMA Rulebook & Best Practices Development yes on invitation no yes on invitation

Reduced Flexible Membership 2023
yes, cost included

yes, add. cost
yes, add. cost remote audit no no

Commercial and business aviation stakeholders of all kinds are encouraged to join the alliance through different types of membership. Please complete our online application form to join the alliance.

Alternatively, you can use this link to download the IAMA membership form, fill it out and send it to us.

If you want to know more about the different membership categories or get a better insight into the most appropriate membership for your organization, contact us at



Curious about the products and modifications offered by our members?

You can visit the IAMA Platform here.



Online Membership Request Form

If your business is involved in the retrofit market or you are an airline operator or a lessor looking for answers to questions about independent aircraft modifications and STCs, you are eligible to become an IAMA Member.

Please complete our form to receive information on how to become an IAMA Member. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and look forward to having your organization as member of the alliance.


Type of membership*

I have read the privacy policy and agree with the legals of IAMA*

Please calculate 8 plus 6.



Unsure which member category is the right fit for your organization? Have additional questions? Contact us via your preferred channel and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Send us an email

or give us a call

Phone: + 32 (0)2 761 1656